Dance, Yoga, & Mat Fusion<br>Courtney Miller<br>Class 2235

Dance, Yoga, & Mat Fusion
Courtney Miller
Class 2235

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Wow. That was crazy and hard and fun. I'm tired!!!! Thankyou Courtney Miller amazing and energetic as always girl :)))
1 person likes this.
Just did this workout and it was the hardest one I've done this week. I really like fusion workouts so this was pretty good. She even had me sweating
An amazing workout, and great yoga flow. Love the cardio and some great new moves can't wait to add into my routine :)
Wow just wow...! I normally hate yoga but the up tempo beat made it awesome. Very very very challenging workout. Have a fan on you will sweat. Oddly enough this whole workout really helped my low back pain. Great class!!!
1 person likes this.
This class has everything! Music, GREAT Flow, great moves, plus positive, happy, encouraging, Fun Courtney Miller ...It's really incredible and hard and right now I can only do half of it, but will keep trying. I love the music. This class and class 273? Rhythm Pilates---Love them so much. Thank you!!!!!!!
Courtney Miller
Thanks Shan !!! I'm so happy to hear you are enjoying this class! It was a lot of fun to film!! I also LOVE Lisa's Rhythm Pilates! Sending you hugs! Xx
Whoo, this one's a butt kicker in the best way possible! Loved the creativity and intensity. I'll be coming back to this one over and over again.
Wow!Wow! Wow!
Wow, Courtney, that was my first Pilates Yoga Dance Fusion experience and I really loved it although I had to stop after 35 minutes because the curry I had two hours ago got a little heavy in my stomach.... Will for sure try it again with an empty belly soon. You are such a sunshine!
Yes, at my second attempt I became a finisher! What a fabulous, challenging class! Thank you, Courtney, I will definitely think of you for dayyyyyss!
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