Day 2: Breath<br>Meredith Rogers<br>Class 3268

Day 2: Breath
Meredith Rogers
Class 3268

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That is SO awesome Jamie! Lucky you to have a workout buddy!!
Becky L
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I'm on day 2 and LOVE it! Can't wait for tomorrow. The pace and calmness is perfect for me.
Thanks Becky
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Doing this series for a second time--it's so helpful to have ten days in a row where I know all I need to do is SHOW UP!
Kristina D
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Hey Meredith and I just did my second class. It feels good to go through slowly and precise as far as I can. Unfortunately I have got arthritis in my left thumb so when I use the m circle I have pain. But I do my best. Thanks from a cold Sweden. Kristina
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Great workout.. Thank you❤️
That's what it's here for AnnS! Glad you're back!

Thanks for being here Kristina! Doing your best is perfect.

Thanks Sara
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I just finished my second day , love the program!!i i love [Meredith Rogers!! So peaceful, and still challenging, loved the magic circle 💜
Hooray Andrea!!
Thanks for being here!
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I am loving this back to basics and increasing my awareness. It is great to hear different cues
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