Joyful Tower<br>Amy Havens<br>Class 5324

Joyful Tower
Amy Havens
Class 5324

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Robin S
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delicious!!  as always~ 
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Thanks Amy just what my back needed today!
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Loved the cueing on the swan!
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The yummiest moves are universal!!  Couldn't ask for a better way to end my Pilates teaching day!
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Thank you Amy.  Feel great 😊
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Oh thanks Amy, that was wonderful, - I feel the joy in my body!! I am always afraid of parakeet and used a long Theraband as a security strap, since I was all by myself, - the cue for the shinbones is gold!!
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Great moves, Great cues! Thank you Amy! 
Carolyn D
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Wonderful!  Just what I needed after a long hike.  Great spinal mobility session!  I love the creativity with the push thru bar and will definitely use some of this in the future for myself and my clients!  Thank you.  
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Thank you Amy- all felt so great
Kristina C
This was just the joy that my spine and shoulders needed today! Thank you Amy!
1-10 of 37

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