Strength for Pelvic Floor<br>Claire Sparrow<br>Class 5563

Strength for Pelvic Floor
Claire Sparrow
Class 5563

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1 person likes this.
Nice class. Inspirative and calm. We do not need to focus only on ABS and nice  thighs.  Thank you.

Claire I thoroughly enjoy your classes ! Thank you and look forward to more from you :)
1 person likes this.
Amazing pelvic pilates work. Thanks so much!
Katarina S
1 person likes this.
It was a beautiful class, Claire. Thank you; it is one of those classes I'd like to return to. 
Knockout Piates
Loved this, thank you!
Claire S
Thank you everyone, I am glad you enjoyed the class. 
What a special treat this was! I used to do the Feldenkrais lessons from Ruthy Alon’s “Mindful Spontaneity” using rolled blankets. You reminded me of how luxurious this practice is! Thank you so much.
Andrea S
Thank you so much Claire - I have loved all three of your hip/pelvis mat classes. They are bringing me good pain relief and I feel so calm during the practise. I would love more of them!
Dear Claire, please more of these classes. My pelvis and pelvic floor are so thankfull. I feel much more balanced. It is already my warm-up training. Hurray!

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