Foot Fitness<br>Niedra Gabriel<br>Class 856

Foot Fitness
Niedra Gabriel
Class 856

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I'm so excited to try this. I'm dealing with plantar fasciitis and haven't gotten a lot of relief so far. How often do you recommend doing this?

Also, thank you for your phenomenal videos. You have already helped me with neck and shoulder pain through a foam roller class, and now, hopefully, foot pain too. I so appreciate all of your help!
Niedra Gabriel
Lori, do listen to your body, I cannot really say how often to do this, but probably daily! so you start to loosen up the deep pull in the legs that are causing your inflammation. It can be due to a variety of issues, so if you are finding release and relief you are on the right track. The foot needs to be constantly opened more and more, I also recommend pronating and supinating and rolling from side to side as though you had a wheel not a flat foot, which will start to increase the stretch and release of the tissue. Let me know ho you do.
Niedra - you make everything seem like fun- my classes are going to love the walking around with the circle. Thanks
Niedra Gabriel
Caroline B you just gave me a great compliment. One of my goals it to make it fun - we beat ourselves up, have weird self talk and feel we need strict discipline to do what we want... so I like to keep this light happy and play like, which I feel is how life should be! so glad you felt it was fun... and happy New year.
Love this, Niedra! Super helpful.
Kay S
1 person likes this.
My sore feet with planter fascia pain say thank you very much!
Niedra Gabriel
Kay S sorry for this late response - so glad you found this work helpful
11-17 of 17

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