Magic Circle<br>Amy Havens<br>Special 1221

Magic Circle
Amy Havens
Special 1221

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Hi Amy

Thanks so much great little introduction I just bought magic circles for my studio and am learning to incorporate into classes, I love your teaching style, keep up the great work.

Thank you Sonia! Magic circles are fantastic and you'll see many classes here on the site both Mat and equipment that incorporate this prop. They're so much fun and a great challenge! Have fun!
Very informative. Thank you.
Thanks for commenting Caroline!
Yes Taz was spot on. I've just purchased a magic circle and am now looking forward to working with it. Thank you
You're so welcome Joanne.....I think you'll love working with the magic circle. Let me know! ;)
I enjoyed the history explanation!
Well I learnt something there!! Love the magic circle...most of my clients have a love/hate relationship with it;)
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