Creative Mat Variations<br>Anula Maiberg<br>Class 3132

Creative Mat Variations
Anula Maiberg
Class 3132

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Anula Maiberg
Thank you Vanisha
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Great class! Just the right pinch of humor!👏
Anula Maiberg
Regina thank you so very much!
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Anula Maiberg if a client can't come up from a rolling like a ball to standing--what might be tight? Thank you and loved class.
Anula Maiberg
Dani my opinion is that (usually) there is some ankle stiffness. Sometimes its the femur bone length to shin bone ratio and not really a tightness issue at all. I'd take a look at ankle mobility then move on to deep squats and see what you find out!
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fabulous class with a fabulous sense of humour. loved it
Anula Maiberg
Thank you so much Carol-Ann !
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Super! Basic, creative and fun. I hope Pilates Anytime invites you back soon, Anula.
Anula Maiberg
I hope so too. Thank you so much! Paola
Omg loved it. Loved the feeling in my body and the challenge. But most of all I love your creativity Anula!
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