Back to Basics Mat<br>Tracey Mallett<br>Class 3147

Back to Basics Mat
Tracey Mallett
Class 3147

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2 people like this.
I really enjoy this workout. I took a little break from Pilates, and getting back into it I find this class targets those important and fundamental muscles in the core and hips. You are a very smooth teacher and easy to follow. Thank you!
2 people like this.
That was "nice!" (which means quite challenging but also ending just as I really wanted to quit and go eat lunch). Thanks Tracey!
2 people like this.
This felt gentle but still challenging with small, subtle movements for a whole body workout. Thanks!
1 person likes this.
Lovely class! This is my first time using an overball. I think I may have had it too inflated. Is there a good rule of thumb for what "size" to keep the ball at? I'll definitely be looking for your other ball class soon! Thank you!
Dianne H
1 person likes this.
Yes, back to basics is nice!
1 person likes this.
You are both a brilliant teacher, super creative with "the basics", and totally Nice.
2 people like this.
I am so grateful for this class! It felt awesome and i feel so strong, aligned and long! Thank you! It WAS nice! ;)
1 person likes this.
Thanks Tracey Mallett A great workout when I was feeling a little tired today but now invigorated. I first thought I was listening to a fellow Brit but sounds like you have spent a long time in the US as its a mix up probably similar to me listening in Australia. Simple and effective as a true Brit would say Nice one!
1 person likes this.
Excellent class!
Cheryl H
so very nice, many thanks from joburg, SA
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