Reformer Pas de Deux<br>Viktor Uygan<br>Class 3225

Reformer Pas de Deux
Viktor Uygan
Class 3225

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Viktor Uygan
Thank you Alison
Viktor Uygan
Alison So happy you enjoyed the class and agree it is always good to have goals to achieve :)
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This is a great class! Hope to see you back!
Viktor Uygan
Hi Denee D , So happy to hear you enjoyed my class and want more... Stay tune 😊
Sara without the H
Glorious!   I loved this. 
Viktor Uygan
1 person likes this.
Hi Sara without the H 😂Hoppy to hear you thought my class was glorious and you loved it. Thank you so much for moving with me 🙏🏻
so beautiful
Viktor Uygan
Beverly L thank you so much
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