This is truly awesome - these are the kind of videos I need to watch to become a better teach who actually knows what their doing- can you please do a video on how to teach someone with a huge belly? Like old guys? No offense guys but that’s where a lot of them hold their weight... would you just put a bigger towel under the hip? Also I’d like to hear Karen speak on scoliosis and also on sacroiliac issues
I'm not even done with the video and I LOVE the intro to arms pulling straps. A perfect way to get clients prepared for that exercise which I hardly ever teach!!!
Thank you Karen. I've just begun watching this video and it is soooo informative and useful for the population of my clients. Amazing break downs. Thank you again.
Karen, I have been trying to understand extensions for 5 years and this video is like a dream coming true for me. I can't thank you enough for these teachings and superb explanations. I hope you do a video breaking down some of the side series mat work also. Thank you so much for generously sharing your skills/knowledge with us. I hope to continue to learn more from you. Thank you! Much love...