Cadillac Release<br>Joanne Bezzina<br>Class 3618

Cadillac Release
Joanne Bezzina
Class 3618

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Thank you so much Ed BothaFredaSkyeKerynSilviah, and  Catherine. I am so glad that you enjoyed this class and that it was useful for you. xox
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Dear Joanne, this is a wonderful session πŸ‘πŸ‘ Love the work without flexion and really appreciate your approach πŸ™πŸ’“πŸ™
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Beautiful! Can't wait to do this workout!
Kiersha W
1 person likes this.
oooo yummy. thank you for the detailed cueing.
Rachel K
Love this Jo, thank you πŸ™πŸ»β€οΈ
Kayla G
I’m so appreciative for this class. I have a handful of patients that will greatly benefit from these exercises!
This is absolutely elegant cueing. Β It’s detailed, with lots of anatomical cues, but it still flows and guides Β the student through the workout.
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