Expand and Stretch<br>Gia Calhoun<br>Class 3858

Expand and Stretch
Gia Calhoun
Class 3858

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That felt nice and relaxing at the end of a long day.
I'm so glad you enjoyed it, Yvonne W!
Gianna  A
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I loved doing this stretch, I took it after a reformer class and it was a great wind down. I forget to stretch out my back and spine, so this was a great release. 
Thanks Gia! Loved this for a sluggish morning x
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Thank you, Joanne Bezzina! Means so much coming from you! Miss you and hope to see you when you are in town next year!
Katarina S
A lovely class, Gia. Just what I need and also what my clients need. The Puppy stretch has become one of my favourites. 
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