Co-Contraction<br>Lesley Powell<br>Tutorial 3833

Lesley Powell
Tutorial 3833

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Lindsay N
Hi Lesley! Quick question... I'm realizing that I have overused the rhomboids and (slight) shoulder blade retraction to open the chest/keep posture. Can you speak more to the rhomboids relationship with the serratus anterior (and the wide back)? This entire series is phenomenal and already changing how I teach + move! Will be watching it all again. Thank you!
Lindsay Depending where the arm is in space will determine one’s physicality. I love working with the image of wide clavicles and scapula when the arm is hanging down or as in chest rowing This invites a different phrasing.
If I did hug a tree I could allow my scapulae to narrow in back with the rhomboids as a variation. There are times that I do want to train the rhomboids as in double leg kick.
Solving rounded shoulders with constant retraction of the scapulas is not functionally correct. There has to be a balance of the front and back of the shoulder girdle. Healthy shoulder function has movement with changing rhythms of bones and physically of one ‘s entire body.
Thanks for the wonderful question and watching the tutorials.
Matteo C
1 person likes this.
She is phenomenal and this series is so good and well explained 
Maria D
Thank you so much Lesley for this wonderful tutorial series! I got stuck with the cues about the shoulder girdle and your videos give me so much help and direction! Can't wait to apply this in my teaching. 
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