Full-Body Tower<br>Delia Buckmaster<br>Class 4033

Full-Body Tower
Delia Buckmaster
Class 4033

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Awesome! I loved the a series with the push thru bar as a teaching tool! Also I liked the hip work standing and I’ve never planked like that with the strap around my leg! Always love to learn something new - what moves do you suggest to do if everytime I squat I feel my right sitz bone flicking around in the joint? It highlighted my imbalances which is good! 
You are fantastic!! Thank you for this amazing class
I love the focus on spine neutral as well as spinal flexion, and hip extension as well as flexion.  It’s a better balance, getting the glutes to work, not just the abdominals. Evening it out, helps to get rid of the posterior hip syndrome pain. I love the squat and lunge variations. They are very helpful. I also really liked the way you taught the round back squat with only a small knee bend - a mini squat. 
Kelly L
Wow amazing Tower workout with pushthru bar.   Have not mastered the boomerang/jacknife section ... future goals!
Gamze D
I really enjoyed the class the combination of mat exercise and the flow was really great.
Gracie H
Lovely class with great cueing and beautiful movement! 
Loved this. Thank you. First one I’ve found as a newbie to Tower where I knew what I was doing, and challenging at the same time xxx
Wow repeating this years later it is awesome!! Love the butterfly how could I forget that one! So nice to end with that! Loved the whole flow 
Melissa - Take Good Care Pilates
Very fun. I'm taking the Butterfly, "resistance band" cue to my next tower/cadi class. Thanks, Delia!
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