The Mat<br>Amy Havens<br>Class 4134

The Mat
Amy Havens
Class 4134

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Eleanor thank you for seeing me and understanding my point of view in terms of balancing out how we move, tempo, pace, intensity etc.  It's crucial, I believe, to mix things up.  I could never think of not doing the traditional work -- ever -- because that's so engrained in me, but stepping out of those line a little -- for a clear reason and intention -- is very important both mentally and physically.  Happy you are taking classes with me!
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Great to find a program with the  Pilates 34 exercises ...  🙏🏻🇩🇰
Ah, thank you Dorthe V !!!  I love the 34!  I love contemporary and variations too, but there is something just right and "home" for me with the 34.  Thanks for taking class with me!
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Thanks Amy Havens 
I really found all the scapula queues helpful in the class today; such basic reminders (ie pull your shoulder blade together in the seated twist) but it really made a difference and I felt the work through my thoracic spine. 
Thank you for your calming influence as well...your spirit is so uplifting! 
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Kerry H thank you for taking the time to leave a comment for this class, for appreciating my cuing and for your kindness in mentioning my calming influence.  I hear this a lot... which makes me very happy!  I love teaching and I think that is clear to see and feel.  
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Love going through the challenge of all the classic mat exercises with you Amy! “Less is often more”.  Thank you 🙏 
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Sweet and efficient level 2 classical mat.  Great front and back body sandwiches in this class with goodies like roll over, high scissors, and control balance.  Victorious neutral spine side planks toward the end to pull it all together.  Good addition to anyone's classical queue.
Yes Amanda S , less is more!!!  And Allison O , glad you enjoyed this too!  Thanks for being here gals!
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Thank you Amy for your perfect excursion though Contrology. Ideal session for my Zoomers...
Natasha R
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I wish there had been more reps and more of a flow... maybe not as much talking through every exercise especially
21-30 of 45

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