Advanced Mat Workout<br>Laura Hanlon<br>Class 5621

Advanced Mat Workout
Laura Hanlon
Class 5621

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Rachel S
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The detailed cues allowed me to take the exercises and transitions to another level. Thank you for challenging me, Laura!
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This was my second time taking this class and it’s such a banger. I especially loved how you got me in proper alignment and engagement when we did on the knee side line work. I always felt unsure of how to support myself in that position and it would make the movement awkward in my body. But this felt more engaged and strong- my range of motion was smaller lol but that will come with time. And as per usual you the Teaser Queen!! I get stronger every time. I also love neck pull with you I also felt stronger this time around. Thanks for the banger Laura!!
Thank you Claudia H ! I am happy to hear you enjoyed this class and that it helped you achieve proper alignment. I hope my workouts will continue to encourage you in the new year! xx
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