Meditation<br>Bobbee Kellner<br>Tutorial 544

Bobbee Kellner
Tutorial 544

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Sorry, busy week! Haven't been on this site for awhile. You are very welcome Kristy. Glad it is helping.
Happy Holidays! :)
2 people like this.
Wow...this was a first for me and I am amazed at how much I really loved this! Thank you for this experience!
So glad that this was helpful. I will be back soon. Any requests?
Thank you for opening me up to this meditation Bobbee. I never accomplished a true meditation before until experiencing this ten minute one with you. I am so moved I feel so balanced it's as if I just had an acupuncture treatment. I would join the site just for this. Much love, Angie
1 person likes this.
Well, I can believe that I didn't see this video before. I love to meditate and it is great to make the link with Pilates.
About the comment of Evie concerning "pranayama", I suggest to download the iPhone or iPod application of Pranayama it is really well done and I love the sound of the sound that guides the breathing and the different levels of breathing (There is a free version and another version that you can buy, they both good)
I really enjoy that introduction to meditation. Thank you
I'm glad you enjoyed this, Cherhine. It's a wonderful gift to yourself to find time to quiet the mind and love yourself each day.
Wonderful thank you : )
Kathleen B
Wow.. Practicing more meditiontion with my pilates.... loved your voice.. your message... your mantra... so soulful ... Beautiful.
Wonderful meditation!! Wish pilatesanytime had more meditation videos.
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