Feel-Good Reformer<br>Tom McCook<br>Class 1086

Feel-Good Reformer
Tom McCook
Class 1086

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Thank you Tom for this wonderful class! I felt great afterward. Also I love the sound of your voice. It is very "kind."
4 people like this.
Another truly amazing workout. Love his voice. Calming with no nervous chatter. Love the pace, variations and flow.
3 people like this.
love his voice, cues, and demeanor. such a nice class.
3 people like this.
What a great teacher, very nice voice. & so nice to find a teacher that dose not talk to much. Just perfect thank you
3 people like this.
Tom, your cueing is pure grace. And ladies, you were grace in motion. Such a beautiful class to watch and listen. I can't wait to take this class with you.
3 people like this.
Love the fluid connection from one segment to another!! Thank you Tom! I like your style of teaching!!
2 people like this.
Tom! You are cool as a cucumber! Thanks for sharing your talent.
1 person likes this.
Tom u are amazing ! Thank u for your wonderful class
1 person likes this.
Great class, Tom! I really enjoyed the kneeling plank series and the "surprise" jump series! Wonderful job.
Kate V
2 people like this.
This is the first of your classes I have tried. I really loved the flow. My body followed your sequence & cues just wonderfully. I feel awesome....thanks Tom!
1-10 of 74

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