Feel-Good Reformer<br>Tom McCook<br>Class 1086

Feel-Good Reformer
Tom McCook
Class 1086

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great class- added to my favorites-thanks tom
What a great and nicely paced class! Thanks so much Tom.
Absolutely loved this class and the tower workout by Tom I did last week. I agree with all above that his demeanor and cueing are so great. I need to embody this work! Thank you!
Thank you very much. Much needed pace and movements. Your voice is very very calming.
Great class! Big thanks!
Great morning class. Instructions are clear and timely. I love the teachers calm approach.
Thx Tom that was fun!
Jennifer W
I always love your classes Tom! Thank you!
Excellent instruction and great all over body workout.
I love your cueing and enjoyed this class so much!
11-20 of 74

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