Lower Body Reformer<br>Mariska Breland<br>Class 1193

Lower Body Reformer
Mariska Breland
Class 1193

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3 people like this.
This was a fantastic workout and challenged me in ways I haven't experienced before. The verbal cues were excellent as I was doing the work-out on my home reformer at the same time listening to you. I appreciate your care for details since I don't always want to look at my laptop while working out. I would rather just focus on my body awareness. I was spent at the end of the work-out. Thank you!
Thank you!! I'm glad you were challenged and didn't have to look at the computer too much! :)
1 person likes this.
Good work, Mariska! Nice cueing, as others have said, I didn't have to watch while participating! :). I really enjoyed your long box work, the back extension and especially your instructions for teaser. Thank you for the great workout!
Diane L
I loved the workout. I'm still feeling the results of it two days later. This will be one of my favorites! Thanks for a great workout.
Great lesson! Thank you! When will you give more lessons at pilates anytime?? ??
Hi Leah - Glad you liked it! I will be back in February with more classes and a Balance workshop. In the meantime - I have several more classes on the site - including another reformer class. :)
Loved it as all of your teaching Mariska! I wish we had more of your classes on PA. Thank you!
Superb! definitely one of my favourites love your teaching style and all the new ideas - thank you.
For those who found it distracting: the powers that be must have listened to previous posts and took the music out of the background. This was an all-around great class that was very accessible for students of all levels. Thank you!
Such a good class!!!! Thank you Marishka!
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