Deep Stabilization Reformer<br>Christi Idavoy<br>Class 1348

Deep Stabilization Reformer
Christi Idavoy
Class 1348

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Beautiful class. You teach so eloquently and look beautiful doing it! I love the cueing and the flow.
Jennifer S
I just love the way Christi instructs. The way she articulates, and the clarity in her instruction are impressive. I loved the precision, flow, attention to detail in the exercises and the deliberate pace was very effective. Christi is brilliant! So happy to have her to watch.
Hello, just watching video and love the pace but can I ask what the purpose of the Yoga block is please/!! Thank you.
Once more thank you:)
Thank you Christi, great cues and a surprise at the end in the control front sequence. Wow. Beautiful controlled cuing.
Thank you
I’m so glad I found you! Several of your routines are now my favorites. I like your deliberate pace and taking time to have us get in perfect position. Nicely done!
YES!!! Great!!! Thank you very much!!!
Love your style!!!
Kathy and Barbara Thank you for watching!  
Wow, what a class! Such beautiful cues... challenge and flow. Just beautiful. I loved 'breathing between your shoulder blades' and breathing from your feet in standing at the end. So clever! Thank you Christi x
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