Deep Stabilization Reformer<br>Christi Idavoy<br>Class 1348

Deep Stabilization Reformer
Christi Idavoy
Class 1348

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8 people like this.
Fabulous cueing and flow
4 people like this.
Nicely articulated and I like how deliberate the work was. Just a side note: with the exception of the last exercise, it felt more like a level 2 than a level 2/3.
Zeena ~ Thank you for your feedback. I'm glad to hear that you liked this class. After reviewing this class, I have decided to keep it a 2/3 because there many concepts that are advanced in addition to the last few exercises.
3 people like this.
This class looks great.. I have not done it as of yet since I usually like to view prior to doing. This is next on my list.
3 people like this.
Great transitions and cueing! The yoga block on feet in straps focused the exercise in a new way for me, and in quadruped your cue of inner thigh up and hip down was brilliant! Looking forward to more from Christi.
3 people like this.
What an honor to have Christy Idavoy at Pilates anytime!!!
as always a great class!!!
Thank you to all that voted and to everyone at Pilates Anytime. We are so blessed to have this amazing resource and it is an honor to be a part of it!
Sherri Betz
Great class Christi! The Polestar family is thrilled to have you represent us!
2 people like this.
Great class- very informative!
What are the benefits or "challenges" when adding a block under your pelvis? Stability, yes but what else??

Thank you for the great class!
3 people like this.
Beautiful class, beautiful flow, and beautiful that more of the Pilates community gets to experience your skilled teaching. Congratulations and great job, my friend! You are a natural on camera!
1-10 of 72

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