Tribute to Daphne<br>Elizabeth Larkam<br>Special 1374

Tribute to Daphne
Elizabeth Larkam
Special 1374

Watch this Special Feature
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Thanks to both of you and to the Love you share and shared. Thank you so so much.
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Heartfelt..respect and profound admiration Mrs. Larkam, thank you and will never forge"bumping" into you at the ladies restroom:)
Thank you! This was beautiful!
I have no words. Just a lump in my throat ...
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I keep watching over and over . Emotional and amazing , thank you.
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Absolutely incredible, brave and inspiring - thank you so much for sharing this intimate part of your life.
This is so incredible. Elizabeth, thank you for your courage and sharing this beautiful journey of compassion and understanding. I'm quite emotional from this tribute and can truly feel the LOVE and care you put into it. Sending you both much love and warmth... And smiles. LOTS OF SMILES! XO :)
Ann S
Elizabeth...I love to watch you dance using the equipment. This piece was indeed very special and I could tell it came from the heart. Thank you for sharing something so special that had such a profound influence in you life.
Thank you Elizabeth and Daphne. This tribute is so full of love and courage. You brought tears to my eyes...thank you for sharing !!
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