Fascial Hammock Awareness<br>Brent Anderson<br>Class 1580

Fascial Hammock Awareness
Brent Anderson
Class 1580

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Having a lot of problems on my PC and my tablet streaming the videos ???
They keep freezing up help
(Edited by Moderator - Alex Parsons on April 1, 2022)
Shauna ~ I am sorry you are having trouble playing this video. It may be your video player, so if you have already restarted your computer to clear away the processes that aren't running, I would suggest changing your video player settings by:

- clicking on "My Account"
- selecting the "Video Player" tab at the top of the page
- selecting the option "Show Options For Low Med and HD"

If your internet connection is slow on a particular day, it may require the video player options for "Low" or "Med," which should stream the video without any stops. If you continue to have issues playing this video, please email us at support@pilatesanytime.com.
1 person likes this.
Perfect:)) thank you very much for a great class.
Thank you Brent for this excellent reformer class. I took your mat class 1577 the other day and loved it but did not comment. Let me say today how much I enjoyed both of these classes. More please!
I love this workout!
This was a great workout!
THE BEST!!! See ya at the 45 degrees!
I love it when a class has things I've never tried, and there were multiple things that were new to me. Wooo hooo! Thank you, Brent. I like your style. And I could tell Kristi and her partner had fun -- I certainly did! Hope you'll do more advanced reformer classes. How about a TOWER class?
Terrific class. As a student teacher, I appreciate your work! Thank you, Brent Anderson!
5 people like this.
Just had to stop watching, so that I can "type out loud" I love Brent Anderson! Thank you for being the amazing teacher you are!!! OK, back to the video:)
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