10 Moves To Do Every Day<br>Madeline Black<br>Tutorial 1599

10 Moves To Do Every Day
Madeline Black
Tutorial 1599

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Great to "take on the road" with me to relax after a day of sightseeing! I am always stiff by then.
#4, sphinx, feels amazing. Loved this video!
This is a wonderful overview of essential exercises we can fit in our lives no matter how busy! I love the adaptations to daily life, such as movements while cooking or at the office.
Thank you!
doorways make great places to hang from!
Thanks, Madeline, really enjoyed this tutorial. Such a great way to go through all spinal movements and mobilise and release all main joints.
Is this something anyone can view or do people need to be members?
Miriam ~ This tutorial is only available to members. If you know someone who wants to see it, they can always sign up for a free trial to get access to this video. I hope you enjoyed this tutorial!
I instruct a mat class of committed 65 yrs. + students. We do several of the '10' on a regular basis, I love the neck exercise.
1 person likes this.
My first EVER attempt at pilates. Short and sweet.

Kathleen M
2 people like this.
I loved the windshield wiper stretch, that and the neck one. Both new to me and felt amazing!
11-20 of 37

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