10 Moves To Do Every Day<br>Madeline Black<br>Tutorial 1599

10 Moves To Do Every Day
Madeline Black
Tutorial 1599

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6 people like this.
Short and sweet! Just right to unkink at the end of a long day, when there's not much time and not much energy Really appreciate the ordinariness of these moves.
Madeline is a great presenter. Love the standing ball and windshield wiper's!
Love them all. Think I will start looking for bars to hang from. And I counted 11...
1 person likes this.
Always great info from Madaline, thank you.
Erica V
Very good! And yes, I agree: everybody should do bridges everyday, it's a great one.
By the way: love your top!!
very simple, easy and you can do them anywhere! thank you!
3 people like this.
If you use a squatty potty you can kill two birds with one stone :)
5 people like this.
I'd love to hear little explanations about why these 10 exercises!
Barbara T
1 person likes this.
I gave these exercises to almost every one of my clients this week for homework. They loved them! Thanks!!
2 people like this.
My neck thanks you! I do too.
1-10 of 37

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