Invigorating Wunda Chair<br>Lisa Hubbard<br>Class 1648

Invigorating Wunda Chair
Lisa Hubbard
Class 1648

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Lisa Hubbard
Appreciate your comments Pele, thanks so much!
1 person likes this.
As always, I luv anything Lisa! Perfect cueing
Lisa Hubbard
Wow, thank you Sue I am honored.
Elizabeth V
1 person likes this.
I loved this one, Lisa!
Lisa Hubbard
Awesome Elizabeth! Thank you :)
Praveena C
1 person likes this.
Love all your classes. This one goes into my faves. Thank you Lisa.
Lisa Hubbard
Thank you so much Praveena~highly honored!!!
1 person likes this.
Ahh you make it look effortless...thank you...great 30 minute chair hit. Also, love that you called out the muscle family involved. Rock on!
Lisa Hubbard
Ah thanks Jennifer! I was breaking a major sweat on this one!
1 person likes this.
Such a nice workout and beautifully executed! Lisa is stunning to watch!
11-20 of 46

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