Magic Circle Burn<br>Brett Howard<br>Class 1811

Magic Circle Burn
Brett Howard
Class 1811

Watch this Class
I loved the flow and pace, cueing while moving instead of sitting around during long explanations, very nice circle workout,
thank you
As usual... an awesome class!
Miss u!
Brett is so good! I absolutely love the way Brett teaches...
Such a great class! Really fun and excellent burn on the abs. Cueing is clear and easy to follow.

Thanks so much, just loved that!
Amazing class. Best I've tried
Thank you very much for another amazing workout.
More, more, more, more......
I really think you are an amazing teacher! The nice and clear way to explain the exercises, the smart cues and the hard/fun workout you give are simply fabulous! Love the spanish instructions also! ; )
Carina H
Amazing class and so much fun... "Simon says" ;)
Bob thank you - I like the speed! Greetings from lifetime Pilates Austria. When do you come again for a workshop? I world like you to invite you at our highschool-Sport -HAK! It's my last year! Prosit Neujahr!
Simply fabulous, intense video! Lot's of creative uses of Magic Circle, really inspiring - LOVE IT!! Brett Howard is awesome!
31-40 of 49

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