Thank you Elayne. Yes we have to adapt the arc to accommodate our different bodies. The Spine Corrector, and all the barrels, are so healing for the spine. Everyone should get to benefit from it even if their spine starts out inflexible. My teachers always taught me to pad the floor/mat or the apparatus up to meet the body so the body can be successful in the exercise. Glad you enjoyed the class.
I just found this! I love your teaching style. Calm, clear cues but still energetic and positive! What a beautiful class. What a challenge to the thoracic spine. So many people are so immobile in that area and it wreaks havoc! I am really looking forward to sharing these exercises with my clients! Thanks for sharing your creativity and knowledge.
Allie, I so appreciate your very sweet comments and love that you will get to share some of these exercises with your clients. Thank for taking the time to post.