Great class. I could tell that this incorporated the Martha Graham dance technique. So wish someone would put her floorwork on dvd. Thanks for breaking down the movement with great explanations. More of Diane please!!!
I just did this class. OMG wonderful, wonderful. Please, please more classes like this. Makes me wish there was a Martha Graham dance class in my area. Exactly what my middle aged body needed.
What a joy to be in her company. Even if it's only over cyber-waves. :) In today's world that's no small matter. Thank you for sharing your verve and joie d'vie, Diane. And yes! Makes me wanna take a Graham class!
Thank you Diane, for providing a Fletcher style Pilates class with us. You are a role model for all to admire. This class reached the deeper hip muscles, strengthened the obliques and rejuvenated our feet.
I absolutely love this class! I wouldn't know a Martha Graham class if I was in one, but after this class I'd bet she'd notice me! This class moved me in ways my body is not used to and yet it was somehow effortless too. Your way with me while I was at home was fantastic. Can you actually see us? Thank you Diane!