Mindful Mat Flow<br>Kristi Cooper<br>Class 1917

Mindful Mat Flow
Kristi Cooper
Class 1917

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1 person likes this.
No decreasing from the start until the end. Great and challenging class - thanks, Kristi!
Michele P
8 people like this.
Your classes are always full of wonderful cues and inventive combinations but it is your enthusiasm, thoughtfulness, and vulnerability that shine through and make your classes so special. Thank you for the inspiration!
2 people like this.
Michele has said it so well Kristi. Your heart and spirit is palpably in each class you offer. Thank you.
1 person likes this.
Love that hundred variation:)
Brenda B
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Nice pace, wonderful class. Thank you!
1 person likes this.
wonderfully challenging class. Like the different variations of some of the exercises. Thank you!
2 people like this.
Thank you Kristi! I love the way you teach tons of ideas and info for a body nerd to ponder.

1 person likes this.
Really enjoyed the class - feeling very energised!
1 person likes this.
Loved your class and the way you teach is so passionate and natural. J adore!
1 person likes this.
Really loved this class today Kristi! Especially enjoyed the cues for the side bend which made me do it better, and i loved the very last exercise, i simply loved the thigh strech with rotations and extension!!!!!
1-10 of 44

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