Mindful Mat Flow<br>Kristi Cooper<br>Class 1917

Mindful Mat Flow
Kristi Cooper
Class 1917

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2 people like this.
That was, dare I say, fun? I will. Fast-paced and truly enjoyable. The time disappeared and it really worked my body.
Brilliant class - continuous pace and right at the precise level for intermediate students to follow.
I dare you Erin! Please! Thank you!
Christian, I'm so glad you liked it too!
1 person likes this.
I enjoyed the variations and the flow of the class. The cues were really good for the sidebend and the thigh stretch variations were beautiful!!!
Lauren Ashley
That was excellent! I love your cue for the arms " pretending as if the air was something solid" so clear!
I'm so glad that cue of the air worked for you and that you liked the class Lauren. Elizabeth, those variations were originally taught to me by Rael (I think) as a preparation for the high bridge on the Reformer. There are a few similar ones you can do there too.
Lauren P
3 people like this.
Kristi you make me smile, laugh out loud, work harder and do it all over again. I'm just loving this workout once again! Thank you...
Thank you Lauren!
2 people like this.
Christie, I like when you share that things are hard for you too. It makes it easy to feel like you are part of the class. You have such a sweet way of communicating and teaching. I always look forward to your classes.
Sorry,Kristi I spelled your name wrong in the above post. It won't happen again!
11-20 of 44

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