Fast-Paced Reformer<br>Kelli B.<br>Class 2015

Fast-Paced Reformer
Kelli B.
Class 2015

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Kelli, that was amazing! So excited and intimidated to meet you in a couple days!!! AHHH!
Kelli Burkhalter
I am glad that you enjoyed it. I look forward to our time together in Boulder!
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Kelli, You are into feet!!!! Yeah! I loved the class. Thank you for reminding me how lucky I was to have been taught by you so that I can share your shoulder and wing references and now your barbie feet to my clients! :)
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I watched this class in awe! Amazing instruction and execution. In my dreams but something to aspire to. Wow!
Well choreographed, but the pace was too intense for me.
This class was great, I really liked it! I also felt odd only doing one side of splits and I ended up pausing to do short box because I love it! :) One thing that was distracting was the "Atta Girl!" It felt jarring -- these are grown women, not girls or dogs. It felt really offensive, but maybe that's just me. Overall, a wonderful, challenging class! Fun to see Lesley as a student! 
11-16 of 16

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