Non-Stop Reformer<br>Amy Havens<br>Class 2045

Non-Stop Reformer
Amy Havens
Class 2045

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Paola Maruca
Big smile on my face, Amy is back on the reformer. Loved it as always. I particularly enjoyed Amy's breakdown of the High frog.
Love starting my morning off with a class from Amy! Thank you!!
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Can't believe how fast that went! Oh I so want to be the student in your next reformer class! Loved the teaser and the arabesque with the feet on top of shoulder rests! Loved the whole class! Thanks Amy!
Thank you Paola, Troy and Connie.....your comments are all so thoughtful, thank you so much!
Amy more flowing classes please and if possible focusing on tight chest and shoulders. Thank you.
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Thank you ZA......more flowing in the sense of more content, or less talking?! :) Also.....classes focusing on tight chest and, mat? I'll put some thought into this, thank you.
Hi Amy, loved this class, great explanations of why and what you want. Always love working with you. Sally from Idaho.
Wonderful, as always, Amy! I especially loved your cueing, the focus on inside the hip joint for footwork, your breakdown of short spine and high frog, and the cues to support the arm from the back of the body and letting the shoulder blades move during kneeling arm work. The arabesque was beautiful, it's always fun to watch you move! I swear the way you move is looking more and more like your kitties...
Elizabeth V
Thank you so much! I have been struggling for a long time to achieve teaser on the box. Doing it with the straps in that way allowed me to do it! I could feel every muscle. Awesome! Great verbal cues, too! X
Hi Amy, ofcourse more flowing in the sense of content:)) I like your relevant and focused cueing in all your videos. Equipment especially reformer and tower classes will be life savers for me. Thank you again.
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