Strengthen Back Extensors<br>Amy Havens<br>Class 2106

Strengthen Back Extensors
Amy Havens
Class 2106

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I just previewed a bit of this and I'm excited! My favorite apparatus and favorite instructor :) More chair workouts please ;)
I started out with some lower back pain and was apprehensive when I heard that it's about back extension. After the workout, I am feeling soooo much better in my back!! Thank you for the great cues, Amy!
Oh wow did I need some back extension! That felt great! Loved the Swan on the floor. Swan on top of the chair was a little bit different story for me, my quads are killing me trying to hold my legs up. really really liked the ab work lying on the floor with feet on the pedal. thank you Amy for another great one!
Really great work out. Loved the undulating spine in reverse swan. Amazing thoracic mobilisation. Thank you Amy!
Fantástic class!!
Nice variations, Amy. Lots of good extension work, which is too easy to forget.
Thank you. Many variations!!! Undulations are great.
Thank you everyone! Glad to hear you're like the class. :)
very good class Amy was really brilliant
lovely class with great sequence of exercises. Love it. Thank you Amy!
1-10 of 34

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