I thought this was a poor introduction to new moves, personally. It all flowed so quickly, i wasn't sure a few times on not only what the apparatus was set to, but also where I was meant to be anatomically. She was definitely speaking to the student in front of her(yay for the student), as opposed to a general audience(boo for me). Sometimes the cues on were to feel things occurred long before I was in place. Not sure if I will retry at a later date, as I don't think I got as much out of it as I could have. Good class for them, not for an instructional video. Doesn't help that my reformer is a different brand...I'm more a C Miller fan myself, less bells and whistles, more results (perhaps Im just not ready for level 4/5 that fast!).
Amy ~ Thanks for your feedback. As a Level 3 class, this workout was not intended to teach students new moves, and it assumes that you already have a strong knowledge of the traditional Reformer exercises, their setup, and their order. You may want to try this Level 2 workout with Debora instead, which spends more time on the details of the exercises, and is a good prep for this Level 3 class.