Non-Stop Reformer<br>Kathryn Ross-Nash<br>Class 2145

Non-Stop Reformer
Kathryn Ross-Nash
Class 2145

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I LOVE this workout out! I really try to integrate Pilates movement in every activity I do as you are doing in this video. Whether it be skiing, mountain biking, surfing. Pilates has changed my life! Thanks soon much
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I love your style great inspiration....
1 person likes this.
Really love your teaching!
Yeong Cheol C
It has been a great help in my practice.
Lauren Ashley
Amazing. This class is going to have to make its way into my weekly practice routine. I have some work to do to be as precise as you, Kathryn!
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Fantastic ! Great insights in Pilates ! Love this class !
1 person likes this.
Absolutely clean and very educational class
2 people like this.
Phenomenal! I can't wait to master this classical technique! It will happen!! Thanks so much, Kathy!
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That was great and you're so funny.
Meridyth D
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