Non-Stop Reformer<br>Kathryn Ross-Nash<br>Class 2145

Non-Stop Reformer
Kathryn Ross-Nash
Class 2145

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8 people like this.
bam! that's how it's done. you're awesome, thanks for sharing.
2 people like this.
Absolutely wonderful! Love it!
3 people like this.
Beautiful! Fantastic clean cueing!
2 people like this.
Amazing! I Love "one beautiful exercise" and it was.
it feels soon good!!! I was just off a long plane ride and then an other long bus ride- this helped me feel so much better!
1 person likes this.
You are amazing! Congrats! Look forward to watch your next class??
Thank you Thank you!!!!! SOOON i hope!
4 people like this.
Hey the way you mention the names of other exercises while doing another really makes one think of how Joseph connected the entire system.
Really what a genius!
Thankyou for this insight
2 people like this.
You define Pilates! Strength stretch power control. You never miss. Thank you for sharing. Wish to see more,
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