Reformer Combinations<br>Courtney Miller<br>Class 2231

Reformer Combinations
Courtney Miller
Class 2231

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That was so fun!
great class, I have an elbow injury (3 weeks ago) and with a few regressions with springs and positions I was able to do the entire workout. Now for some ice and I can go on with my day.
1 person likes this.
Awesome, awesome workout! advanced and challenging! left me sweating and felt great afterwards. love the flows which are smooth and flows seamlessly from one position to another.
Brilliant, loved it :)
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I'm just so inspired by you Courtney! I love the challenge, freedom and flow you create with your sessions! Always interesting, always fun! Keep it coming!
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Excellent! I love your classes Courtney :) really great!
Variations are great, lots of inspiration for my next class. I would love if you could add some more description cues (eg direction, anatomy, specific action) because it is difficult to follow unless you are watching the video closely. For something like the single leg short spine or grass hopper, I had to watch closely to understand the action, rather than having words to guide me (and prevent neck strain while performing the exercise). Otherwise, super fun!
What can I say? Courtney Miller is Pilates GOLD!! Love, Love , Loved this class. Fun , dynamic and creative. Thank you!
Loved it!
Such a great class! challenging and flows so nicely from one exercise to the next! Awesome as usual. PLEASE keep taping more. You are one of the best teachers on Pilates Anytime!
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