Movement and Flow<br>Amy Havens<br>Class 2280

Movement and Flow
Amy Havens
Class 2280

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eu amei essa classe!! Me senti muito bem...obrigada :)
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Amy!!!! This was really innovative and effective. I felt like I found just rhe right dress for my size and you did nearly exactly the same what was in my head when I was following you. I guess I have started to think as you guys;))))) thank you so much.
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Thank you! Hi Z A.....glad you liked it. "The right dress for your size", I love that comment! :) Intuitive...and yes, you're probably starting to feel our thoughts as you're such a dedicated mover and practitioner. :) Thank you for always taking the time to leave a comment in the forum.....nice to hear from you!
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So fantastic....and the end...get outta here! Gorgeous. I teach a weekly session using the Pilatesstick - you've given me such great ideas. Thank you PA & thank you Amy!!!
Thank you Amy. This is such a nice class. You've put in some original work which is always appreciated. I've been so looking forward to more tower classes!
Great class, my friend! I can always count on you for combination of innovation and fun. Refreshing to have strong arm work connected to the core. And you know I love those backbends!
Very creative! Thank you Amy for the new positioning of springs, and clearly identifying which ones you are using. You have a great way of explaining all of the nuances, and a calm style, even though some of the work must not be easy to talk through. So glad PA has the combo!
THANK YOU for the new ideas.Getting out of the mold of carbon copy lessons.

Clients enjoy new ways to make them challenge their body with news patterns.

I saw this just as I was just looking for more arm work ideas on the trap, so thanks for that great timing! Great workout for the legs, too. :)
Can't wait to do this one!
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