Awareness Wunda Chair<br>Rael Isacowitz<br>Class 2282

Awareness Wunda Chair
Rael Isacowitz
Class 2282

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Carla A
Honestly? Rael is pure genius! I am never disappointed with his videos.
Carla, thank you for your beautiful comment, I appreciate it.
Really liked the addition of balance challenge to the ankle exercise and others. Will be adding that to my repertoire as I know clients will love that too. My first BASI chair workout and I struggled to follow the spring tensions to be used, I know light/medium/heavy varies by user, but a guide as to what is being used would have been helpful for me. I also couldn't always follow the verbal cues, for example in side pike, pushing through "this part" of the foot, i had to stop the video and watch where she was being cued through touch. Medial/lateral verbal cueing would have been helpful.
Bravo!!! como siempre enseñando los detalles que hacen la diferencia en la ejecución de los ejercicios.
Thanks for another great class! Your enthusiasm for Pilates is infectious, and your teaching is superb!

Please consider filming a lower level chair class as well.

Thank you,

Thank you for all the great comments. Lori I appreciate your kind words and I will certainly consider a lower level Wunda Chair (WC) class. Vanisha forgive the delay in response to your comment, it must have slipped through the cracks. I appreciate your input. Tension is a very difficult factor to standardize, particularly on the WC. But your point is well taken, general tension guidelines would definitely prove helpful as would more anatomically based cueing. In the latter case again, so hard to please everyone, but cues must be clear, whether anatomically based or imagery based.
Rael thank you for this amazing class! It was challenging but so much fun. I loved the flow of doing calf raises after the single leg footwork and the added balance challenge was brilliant! 
Jennifer, I am so pleased you enjoyed the class. Thank you for your great feedback.
Rael is pure inspiration in every way!  Encouraging and challenging us to find more depth, precision and beauty in every position and even the simplest movements with immaculate cues, observations and love. Thank you Thank you!!
Tova, it is feedback like yours that inspires me each and every day! Thank you!
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