I watched but didn't do, doesn't matter it was such a good learning tool for me as a teacher. Pilates is a marathon, not a sprint! Thank you Alan well worth watching, lots of good info. All I'm lacking is that distinguished British accent!
I agree with with both of the above! In my math classes there is always someone new, and this makes so much sense. Even the most experienced need this work. We tend to forget.. Thank you!
Mr. Herdman, i've watched several times, and always learn so much more.! i am so curious as to the answer to the question you asked, "what were you thinking as you rolled down?" You said Good answer, but i could not hear the answer!! Love the cues! thank you!
May all of our clients be patient and willing "to feel" the centering aspects of Pilates, so brilliantly understood and communicated by Alan Herdman. Your posture represents a lifetime of elegant movement training. I admire you as a role model. Thank you.
Thank-you for freeing me from thinking of my vertabrae on the pelvic lift. Great practice to think of the 'other' side of the body when the one in focus isn't entirely free.