First Time Session<br>Meredith Rogers<br>Class 2306

First Time Session
Meredith Rogers
Class 2306

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When I touch someones feet during footwork (lightly) I can feel if the weigh distribution is biased from side to side. One foot will feel slightly "heavier" then the other. Often, this cannot be seen by just looking at the person moving. If you don't use your hands when you cue, I highly suggest you start. There is so much that you can feel but not see! Thanks for asking and for taking class with me!
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Go class. For all instructors: Please remember, if you only have one demonstrator we cannot see how her feet are positioned. Please let us know. Also very important to let us know what springs to use with enough time for us to change our springs since we are alone. Also if there is other equipment involved please give us time to put it on the reformer and take it off before we go on to the next exercise. In general, please keep in mind that we are alone and can only see what is going on from one angle! Many thanks!!!!!!
Thank you, Dr June Reinisch...
I will certainly keep that in mind.
Sandra U
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That was perfect. Loved it. Always looking for clearer ways of directing first time clients!
Thank you, Sandra.
I think with first time clients, and everybody actually, that patience is the key to success.
Andrea W
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As an apprentice teacher, nearly all of my clients are this green, and it is so helpful to watch you work with Nicole. (I'm personally glad you threw her under the bus a little!) This is helpful to see how to use patience and tactile cueing to help the client move; communication with new clients is always a bit of a hurdle, and you do wonderfully. I'm planning to attend the CAP in Phoenix this Spring and am so very excited meet you, Meredith!
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Loved your queuing....thank you Meredith :)
I am excited to meet you too, Andrea.
See you soon.
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Thank you so much for this class Meredith. I love your teaching style. X
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By far the most informative beginner teaching video! Thank you for breaking it down!
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