Energy in your Feet<br>Niedra Gabriel<br>Class 2309

Energy in your Feet
Niedra Gabriel
Class 2309

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Niedra Gabriel
Yes - that little part of our feet that often gets over looked and affect the whole out side line - enjoy reconnecting.
What springs are you using?
Niedra Gabriel
Hello Muleta, what a good question - I had a variety of chairs being used so there were variables.

The traditional answer is 1 high and 1 low for foot work and 1 - 2 middle springs for arm work - but this is not set in stone as people and chairs and springs have a vast variation of potentials.
Normally I use stronger springs for legs and lighter for arms - but I also makes sure the spring tension does not distort the person's form, so here is where the tension is an art form to ba adjusted to fit the client.
I know this is not a fixed answer hope it helps anyway.
1 person likes this.
Fabulous sequencing and detail on some of my favourite wunda chair movements thank you
Really appreciate the information on "detail" and technique.  Great session!
Niedra Gabriel
Mary Briggs McCabe thank you for commenting and glad to know u liked the “details “. 🙏
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