Ease and Contraction Play<br>Meredith Rogers<br>Class 2313

Ease and Contraction Play
Meredith Rogers
Class 2313

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No more requests from Carlie! ;) I tried taking this class twice. Its the only one you've ever offered Meredith that I've also abandoned twice.
Thanks for your feedback, gals! I appreciate it!

Your request sounds challenging but doable. I would welcome any ideas anyone has about choreography that would suit! Are you speaking NO spinal flexion at ALL??

Miss you!

LOVE YOU! Don't give up....!
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I did the boomerang. OMG. Life will never be the same. All thanks to you, Meredith, and Pilates Anytime for all the classes you've given me since December! : )
Remy D
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Awesome class--so glad I have such great options when I can't attend classes in my local studio!
Thank you!
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Thank you, this was a great class, extremely challenging, creative and easy to follow which is exactly what I'm looking for in a mat class. We need more challenging classes like this.
Thanks, gals! So happy to hear your feedback and share in your experience!
Brenda B
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By far my fav instructor! Love Meredith's classes!!! Please keep posting! Thank you!!
1 person likes this.
Love the challenge and flow of this class! Hope to see more like this.
1 person likes this.
Loved this , excellent teaching , not rushed so calm but at the same very challenging . Thank you
11-20 of 44

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