Strengthening for Dancers<br>Brett Howard<br>Class 2321

Strengthening for Dancers
Brett Howard
Class 2321

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This one is a killer. Kudos Gia!
Very very hard!! But great class 
Amazing class!

Cheryl Z
great challenge , I have to work on last pose one arm leg out lift lower. beautiful model to watch thank you 
Cheryl Z
my go to I did better but much to aspire to excellent cueing nicely modeled.
You made my day, thank you 🙏 
Amazing ❣️❣️❣️
Wow this is so 3 dimensional - totally next level moving and instruction. Is this following a specific flow from balance body or just your own creativity? I really felt the differences in my body have such a hard time standing on my right leg especially in turn out - also next to impossible to pike pedal when left leg is in arabesque I feel like it’s a weakness in my psoas perhaps - anyhow wow just wow  
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