Strengthening for Dancers<br>Brett Howard<br>Class 2321

Strengthening for Dancers
Brett Howard
Class 2321

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Meridyth D
terrific workout
Loved this -- brutal!
1 person likes this.
Brutal but sooo good! I'll have to keep taking this class to improve ...I was poppin and lockin all over the place. I love your classes Brett! Thank you for an awesome class:)
That was awesome! I like the low repetition, keep moving flow.
Good job, Gia!!!! Brett - brutal is definitely the word. Haha. Love it.
That's what I 've long wanted. and here it is . Thank you Brett.
2 people like this.
Gia you are incredible! Brett ! great class
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WOW! What a great class. Some very challenging moves! Need to practice some, like star. Loved it!
1 person likes this.
great. really impressive young lady and beautiful form. Brett your cues are wonderful, love the precision
Terrific cueing. Great flow combining various exercises. I am not flexible so some of the pull up combos may never look like Gia's. . . but I can aim for that!
1-10 of 27

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