Prenatal Full-Body Mat<br>Leah Stewart<br>Class 239

Prenatal Full-Body Mat
Leah Stewart
Class 239

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Bethany~ I just wanted to let you know that we have fixed this video so it no longer cuts off at the end. I hope that you enjoy it!
Hi Leah,

Great video! Teaching my preggy clients is always a pleasure and with new ways to teach certain exercises, I can keep them and myself excited and inspired!


Always like to revisit this routine.. Thank you again!
Excellent start to my Sunday! Could you recommend some exercises or stretches specific to the gluteus (I'm feeling a lot of tension near my hip joint and glute medius area) and I wasn't sure if there were specific movements I should be focusing on to work out these muscle groups while my hips are growing. I'd appreciate any advise! Thanks!
Great class...I found it quite challenging but in a good way, I'm 29weeks. Great stertch and full body workout....will definately be doing this workout again!
Thank you Leah
I love this class!
Now that I have just a couple of weeks to go this is perfect way to go through the day as walking is not fun any longer... Wish there would come new prenatal classes here?
Thank you Leah
I am so grateful for your classes. I am 15 weeks post partum and have felt so encourages, beautiful, long and strong after your classes instead of defeated bc I can't do something I used to. Thank you for having such a body positive outlook and sharing it with us!
i am not pregnant, but as a teacher, the class was very helpful! thank you! :)
Leah thank you (again) for a wonderful class. I'm in th last trimester of my second pregnancy, and have really struggled with energy levels this time around, and also carving out time for myself between work and a 20 month old. Your classes always flow, and ensure safety and comfort and I finish feeling better.....thank you!
1 person likes this.
Thank you for all the feedback, ladies! I'm so happy this class has been enjoyable for you.
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