No Flexion Mat<br>Blossom L.<br>Class 2396

No Flexion Mat
Blossom L.
Class 2396

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beautiful class!!!! enjoyed every minute. thanks
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Awesome Blossom. So while there maybe no flexing, does not mean that lateral motions are easy to control, and just as important. You rock.
Love it, thank you Blossom!
1 person likes this.
So wonderful that you include foot exercises! So necessary!
Super class!
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Happy new year thanks for a great start to my day! I drove 300 miles yesterday now I am feeling great!
Thank you. Loved this class. Great for stiff lower back
2 people like this.
Thank you all for your lovely comments. I am so glad you are enjoying this. Who says you need to do spinal flexion to strengthen your abs?
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I'm so grateful for this class! After a year of classical pilates, my lower back is shot and my hip flexors are SO tight! I'm being treated with prolotherapy for my lower back pain as a result and have been warned against too much flexion...but I miss my pilates. So, this is perfect!
Love the subtle work, thank you!
1-10 of 24

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