Expansive Mat<br>Amy Havens<br>Class 2403

Expansive Mat
Amy Havens
Class 2403

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Thanks ladies!!! Release work is important....I think we all agree! I'll do another one soon!
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Awesome. Just what I needed today. Thank you.
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Thank you so much! Very much needed.
Thanks so much everyone...again....I'm hearing us/you.... and I'll say this...it's ok to slow down, release, move slower from time to time! Our Pilates practice can be done this way just as much as it can be done more quickly and uptempo. Life doesn't doesn't just come at us at one speed.....:)
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Felt so good! Great way to locate adhesions you never knew you had! I definitely need to do that more often!
Hi Chelsi....yes...a great way to locate adhesions! Sometimes it takes a few minutes of exploration and when we find them....good to sit with them awhile.
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fantastic workout!
especially the lateral thing!
thank you so much for your brilliant lesson!
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wonderful! just getting over the flu and my muscles were so achey and sore. This class helped immensely!
Thank you Nankyoung and Marsha...!
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I needed this today! Awesome!
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